AUSL Teachers Adapt to the E-Learning Environment

Fast facts

Publish date: September 29, 2020
Categories: Uncategorized
Post author: Stephen Nielsen

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Since school reopened on September 8th, AUSL Network Schools, along with all Chicago Public Schools, are providing remote instruction to their students. Many teachers have successfully modified their classroom techniques to the e-learning environment. Examples of this are found at the Dewey School of Excellence with third-grade teacher Ms. Daniella Emami, and second-grade teacher Ms. Andrea Lane.

To facilitate effective remote learning, Ms. Emami increased her engagement and partnership with the families of her students.  Ms. Emami sends a daily update of classroom assignments to the parents and guardians of her students and makes weekly calls to explain how students are doing. Ms. Emni has found this practice very successful and plans to continue this practice when in-person classroom instruction resumes.

Second-grade teacher Andrea Lane believes it is essential to create an environment where a remote learning environment is engaging. For her second graders, Ms. Lane provides opportunities for students to stand up, move around, and dance during class. The students use hand signals to communicate. Ms. Lane finds the students are more engaged by being active. “Remote learning has provided an opportunity to implement fun in the classroom; I have become more creative than ever before,” stated Ms. Lane.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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