Images courtesy of the @ChiAcadHS Twitter account. The Chicago Academy High School celebrated it’s first annual Middle Eastern North African assembly celebrating MENA culture this month. Students experienced Merwa’s spoken word and 1001 Arabian Nights...
Images courtesy of the @soloriohs Twitter account. Future Founders, an organization specializing in immersion-experience for youths, spent 10 weeks at Solorio Academy High School teaching the “Exploring Computer Science” students about entrepreneurship....
Images courtesy of the @soloriohs Twitter account. Congratulations to Solorio Academy High School students Edgar, Jason & Michael, were the Solorio winners at the IST Coalition STEM Challenge at the ISTI Showcase. These STEM scholars were able to present their...
Image courtesy of the @soloriohs Twitter account. Image courtesy of the @chicagodebates Twitter account. Congratulations to the Solorio High School Debate team, who won the Varsity title in a city-wide competition between 34 teams and 260 students. In addition, debate...