Elementary Schools Receive Backpacks from Cradles to Crayons and Back2School Kits from Back2School Illinois

Fast facts

Publish date: August 28, 2019
Categories: News from the Network
Post author: ausldevelop

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Cradles to Crayons donated 13,000 backpacks for all of our elementary schools at their 2019 Backpack-a-thon event at Daley Plaza on August 21. We have received donations from Cradles to Crayons in the past and are so grateful that they gave us enough backpacks for ALL of our elementary students filled with school supplies.

Back2School Illinois donated 1,000 Back2School Kits for our schools in the Austin neighborhood. We are grateful for these continued partnerships that support our students in the communities that need them the most.

Supplies were delivered with the help of Aaron’s Reliable Movers and volunteers from Coyote Logistics.

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